Trezor Suite App (Official)

Get started with Trezor in minutes! Learn how to set up and secure your hardware wallet step-by-step at

Step 1: Accessing Trezor Suite

  1. Visit Trezor Suite: Navigate to on your web browser.

  2. Download Trezor Suite: Click on the download link provided to get the Trezor Suite app for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).

Step 2: Installing Trezor Suite

  1. Run the Installer: Locate the downloaded file and run the installer.

  2. Follow Installation Steps: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

Step 3: Setting Up Your Trezor Device

  1. Connect Your Trezor: Use the USB cable provided to connect your Trezor hardware wallet to your computer.

  2. Open Trezor Suite: Launch the Trezor Suite app that you installed earlier.

  3. Begin Setup: The app will guide you through the setup process. Follow the prompts to set up your device.

Step 4: Device Setup

  1. Create a New Wallet or Recover: Choose whether you want to set up a new wallet or recover an existing one using your recovery seed.

  2. Generate a Recovery Seed: If setting up a new wallet, your Trezor device will generate a recovery seed. Write down this seed and store it securely.

  3. Confirm Seed: Confirm your recovery seed on the Trezor device and in the Trezor Suite app to ensure accuracy.

Step 5: Completing Setup

  1. Set Device Name: Optionally, name your Trezor device for easier identification.

  2. Choose PIN: Set a PIN on your Trezor device for added security.

  3. Update Firmware: If necessary, the app will prompt you to update your Trezor device's firmware. Follow the instructions carefully.

Step 6: Using Trezor Suite

  1. Access Wallet: Once setup is complete, you can access your wallet through the Trezor Suite app. Manage your cryptocurrencies securely using the app's interface.

  2. Explore Features: Familiarize yourself with additional features offered by Trezor Suite, such as coin management, portfolio tracking, and more.

Step 7: Security Tips

  1. Backup Your Seed: Store your recovery seed in a safe place offline. Never share it with anyone and ensure it is protected from damage or loss.

  2. Keep Software Updated: Regularly update your Trezor Suite app and device firmware to benefit from the latest security enhancements and features.

By following these steps, you can securely set up your Trezor hardware wallet using the Trezor Suite app and start managing your cryptocurrencies with peace of mind.

Last updated